Thursday, October 25, 2012

Our Stranger Meaning

Having new experiences that I can connect with is something that creates meaning in my life. Every time I do something I've never done before, it comes with a rush, some new high. I love the way how going someplace new, eating something different, or learning something interesting stimulates my mind in a way that throws it off balance. Having the lack of familiarity upset by the attainment of it is the best feeling. These outside experiences, in turn, create an inner experience that mold new little parts of who I am and who I become. Yes, I know that life is pointless because I will eventually die and all of the events in my life will eventually matter to no one. But, I'm the type of person that wants to live forever. I am so small compared to this country, this earth, this universe. I feel like there are so many things to experience out there. I was born to live life, so why not lead it in a way that will make me happy?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Candide's Punishments, Do They Fit the Crime

Candide has committed many crimes. I believe he was punished justly for some, and he was also not punished enough for others. For instance, he greedily took the jewels from Eldorado to bring to the outside world for the use of living in luxury. To me, taking those rocks in use for profit somewhat tainted the innocence and purity they had in Eldorado. He was justly punished by eventually losing it all to nature and even greedier people. Nature was taking the jewels back when the sheep carrying them were starving and falling off cliffs into their deaths. Candide's greed manifested the crime, so even greater greed served the punishment via the sailors/pirates.
An instance where Candide escaped punishment was when he killed the Commandant and the two monkeys. He was going to be killed by angry cannibals but he was let free because he killed the cannibals' enemy. He went unpunished even though he murdered three beings. Simple logic would obviously suggest that a killer should be killed. Should killing your predator's enemy make up for killing your predator's kin? I don't know.