Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living?

I pretty much agree that an unexamined life is not worth living. I'm not saying that people with unexamined lives should go kill themselves, but yes, I think there wouldn't be much substance in their lives. I feel like people, especially young people (me included), do not know what they want in life. As children, people blindly grow up under so many influences that they do not even know are there. These influences include people, yes, but they also can include the many minor events that one experiences such as watching a cartoon or climbing a tree. I feel like these influences are the key to examining one's life. They are the only things one knows so it is the one and only great place to start reflection. Questioning one's experiences and influences forces the true meaning of those things to oneself. Why do I like this? Is it wrong for me to do this? How? After long bouts of introspection, I feel like the personal meanings of things will reveal themselves to anyone. All the bull people thought they cared for and all the true shit people actually care about will be realized. I feel like this self examination, goes on throughout one's life; It is a sign of maturing. Examination will help direct those blindly living life.


  1. Even though I'm not religious, AMEN.
    I agree with you. It was kind of like the statements we were talking about in class -- how in the end you are alone.
    That's really how I feel sometimes. It really depends if you are blocking out the rest of the world, you brush your friends out of your mind, and you kind of think about what you really care about. Sometimes the friends you thought you cared for, you don't, and the ones you thought you didn't care for as much, you care for the most.

    Some people have these realizations, but not many. It should happen more often.

    Love you<3

  2. I agree with you Justin. So much of what we know is told third person and usually never disputed. Not many indulge in critical thinking and that is important in order to find out what is factual or at the least substantial.

  3. You made some really good points. If one doesn't examine their life it probably wouldn't be substantial. I like what you said about the only thing you know are the events that you have been through. Those are the things you have to examine to find meaning.
